Navid Akram Jukto

Web Developer




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Navid Akram Jukto

Web Developer



Freelancing course

Hello! I’m Navid.

Developing a great freelance business to generate money rapidly You can start freelancing with simple abilities.


So I am going to help you in this course.

  • I have Started 2018
  • Average monthly 600$+
  • Last month 1100$
  • 2 Weeks Live Classes
  • 3 Live projects
  • Secret Tools 
  • Unlimited Support 

Course Content PREVIEW

  • What is Freelancing- QnA
  •  How It works?
  • How to choose skills for future?
  • You will learn> Without work Earning | Graphics Design | Website Based | 
  • Account creation of Fiverr

  • Gig creation of Fiverr

  • Gig ranking Factors
  • How to get your first order?
  • Order delivery and revisions

  • Order Support from Marketplace use case.
  • Analysis Tool
  • Secret methods to outsource

Solution on Course

  • Get Payment from Clients
  • Get access my secret Tools 
  • Recourse files for Completing Order! 

When you're stuck, Get assistance Anytime!

What I have done In My Freelancing Career?

Out of marketplaces
0 $


Earning on Marketplaces (2018-🎈)
0 $
5 Star Rated Customers
0 +
⭐Reviewed Customer⭐
0 +

Not Just one day, It have taken 4 Years+